Top trashbag sellers!!
Music and all CPHS staff
Foreign Language, Social Studies, English, Special Education
Business, Counseling, Art, and Tech Ed
Departments compiled their teaching stats to display at conferences tonight. With over 550 years experience, that averages around 14 years per staff member. We’ll start with FACS, Science, Math, and PE.
It was great to see the turn out at the CPHS parent/teacher conferences
Teacher dodgeball tourney!!
48-16 at the end of 3. A beautiful fall night for football
Gophers up 26-8 at halftime
Gophers up 14-0 at the end of the 1st quarter on senior night
Conference Champions!
Our new school buses are in!
Do your high school students organize happy birthday songs for their classmates at Lunch? Ours do at CPHS! This is a great example of student empowerment to support a welcoming and nurturing environment at CPSC. #prairieproud
It is National Coffee Day! Travelin’ Tom’s is at CPSC today providing our Dedicated staff a morning pick me up!
Thanks to the community members who participated in the Prairie Community Academy today!
Vanguard Solutions has done a great job redoing our ADA ramps at Clinton Prairie. We love Red!
CPHS volleyball action vs Tri County
The lights are on!
Yes, those are new lights on our football field and baseball field . We can’t wait to see them light up the field at homecoming
Clinton County Champions! The Gophers retain the Field Trophy!